Learning resource
A reflection on identity and aspects of life that can promote radicalisation
- Reflection on aspects of identity from several perspectives.
- Emphasis on issues that participants are especially concerned about.
- Changing perspectives.
- Short introduction to the module (10 min):
This module is based on two basic resources:
- the Five Pillars of Identity model by Hilarion Petzold, an Austrian psychologist,
- 12 Questions to Extremism and Radicalisation by the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGiÖ).
According to Hilarion Petzold, identity is a construct of the following five pillars: corporeality, social network/social relationships, work/accomplishments/free time, material security and personal values. In this module, the five pillars are connected with the findings of the IGGiÖ about the key factors that can encourage susceptibility to radicalisation in students.
The following assignment requires participants to reflect upon some of the issues and provide answers to a list of questions. Additional supporting questions are provided to help.
- Hand out the fill-in-form and the questions. Go through the issues together.
- The participants have 30 minutes to work on the questionnaire, in a quiet environment.
- Discussion on the questionnaire (around 30 minutes). The debate should be moderated using additional questions, such as:
- Did you find the questionnaire simple, challenging, etc.?
- What emotions and thoughts came up?
- Did any questions arise?
- Fill-in-form on identity
- Attached form with supporting questions
As part of the discussion participants comment and explain whether and in what way their awareness about specific life situations of persons who are at risk of radicalisation was increased.
Portuguese, Portugal