Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen
Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen
The Association of Adult Education Centres in Carinthia (VHSKTN) is a non-profit association with eight Adult Education Centres in Klagenfurt, Villach, Spittal, Hermagor, Wolfsberg, Feldkirchen, St. Veit and Voelkermarkt. The VHSKTN was founded 60 years ago. As a traditional Volkshochschule the VHSKTN is also a member of the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres.
The Association of the Adult Education Centres in Carinthia regards itself as educational institution and is pledged to democracy, committed to the principles of human rights and independent of any political parties. For this reason the VHSKTN is opposed to any sort of anti-democratic, racist, anti-semitic, misogynous behaviour or which discriminates against any group of people, and it is committed to counteract such tendencies.
According to the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres the VHSKTN view education as a learning process which continues throughout life and comprehends the cognitive, affective and physical dimensions; in other words: the whole person. Its work is focused on the learners needs and requirements, but also tries to make people aware of needs and requirements they might forget about in everyday life. With currently more than 50 full-time employees and 600 trainers on a fee basis, the organization is growing, providing more than 2500 classes every year all over Carinthia. Through our networks, we have numerous partnerships with public institutions at national and regional level, (non-profit) organizations and associations. In addition, the Carinthian folk high schools a member of the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres, where all nine regions in Austria are represented.
The head of the VHSKTN is Beate Gfrerer. The pedagogical directors are Isabella Penz and Katharina Zimmerberger. Beyond traditional classes and courses around the topics culture and society, nature and environment, economy and IT, languages, creativity and culinary art and beauty and wellness the AEC association runs more than 25 local and international projects. The key aspect of most of these projects is Second Chance, beginning from the basic educational courses, the certificate of Secondary Education and University entrance examination. The Association of the Adult Education Centres in Carinthia offers a chance for those, who fall through the cracks of society and supports people from all social classes in climbing the social ladder.
VHSKTN is quality certified by the quality management LQW (learner-oriented quality in further education) and OE-Cert.
Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein mit Hauptsitz in Klagenfurt. Die Tätigkeitsbereiche der Volkshochschule sind vielfältig, können sich jedoch in zwei große Bereiche teilen lassen: Die VHS Klassik mit dem traditionellen Kursprogramm und verschiedenen regionalen Kooperationen sowie die VHS Projekte mit den Schwerpunkten Grundbildung, Integration und Gesundheit.
„Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen“ sind eng mit der Arbeiterkammer Kärnten verwoben und sehen einen ihrer Grundaufträge darin, den ArbeitnehmerInnen Bildungsangebote zur Verfügung zu stellen, die berufliche Weiterentwicklung zu fördern und eine positive Lebensgestaltung zu ermöglichen.
Das überwiegend weibliche Team steht für Offenheit, Innovation und Professionalität.
Sehr wichtig ist auch das ehrenamtliche Engagement. Deshalb sind fie Volkshochschulen auf die 19 ehrenamtlich geführten Zweigstellen in den ländlichen Regionen besonders stolz.